=============================================================================== 024-gemini.txt =============================================================================== Once upon a time, a tale quite scary, it starts long ago in the darkest times of Faerie, a terrible High Queen had in the Realms become by far and away the strongest living one... It was a time after the adversary pushed them away, but before the epic wars of the modern Fae, a time of darkness and destruction eons before, the Empire of Concordia and it's moderate lore... Here The Sidhe fought this darkling Queen in vain, many were condemned to end their lives in pain, for with unique knowledge and magical skill, The High Queen Gemini had learned how to kill... She had mastered a unique death magic power, a fact that had turned the whole pageant sour, The High Queen could kill at whim any and all Fae, forever, for good, without council, permission or say... Against such horror the Faerie hive rebelled, it sacrificed many, it's numbers dwindled, after much death the Fae banished Queen Gemini, blasting her soul deep into the sky... Far away on Earth Realm she met her mirror elf, a fate most confusing as both shards of herself side by side is a Fae form very hard to abide a paradox so potent most thought the Queen died... But Gemini simply faded for ever and a day alone but together and an outcast from Fae eventually forgotten until a twist of dark fate woke her from a seemingly endless slumber of hate... A war far away aligned the Earthly outcast clan to the Alliance of Birds and the strange Raven man and he having bent his knee to the The Rat unexpectedly would change how the order sat... The winged union accidentally did garantee freedom for Gemini on Earth Realm and in Faerie Twin eyes now opened and a single darkling rose the whole Fae Empire took defensive pose... She promised to teach them her forbidden art and the wisest of Fae knew this was the start, she sent sinister signals from the Midnight Zone promising that she was now coming home... And so it came to be along the sacred Qixi trod flown by Clan magpies (for she was their God) her imaginary self, and her Earth Realm clone Gemini arrived in her new Concordian home... This once feared single monster High Queen was now a twin terror such never before seen, she smiled politely and winked both her left eye, secure in her power she could make all Fae die. =============================================================================== EOF