=============================================================================== I HATE IT HERE #024 - MAY 2021 - TXT FILE BY DESIGN =============================================================================== _____ _ _ _______ _______ _______ | |_____| |_____| | |______ __|__ | | | | | |______ _____ _______ _ _ _______ ______ _______ | | |_____| |______ |_____/ |______ __|__ | | | |______ | \_ |______ -o- A sporadicly released list of interesting and useful RSS/Atom feeds. #FAEWAVE =============================================================================== ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ||R |||E |||L |||E |||A |||S |||E ||| |||N |||O |||T |||E |||S || ||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||_______|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| |/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/_______\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| =============================================================================== Here is an idea... There are may metaverse forming on many platforms (this is cool). What the -user- needs is a portal place which allows people to jump in and out of these metaverses within a metaverse appropriate environment... Portal World. The only people who won't want Portal World are those trying to trap customers into one silo - and the only motivation for doing that is to protect monetization options in the long term. So Portal World would also act as a check/balance on the intent of metaverse originators It also as such acts as a dam against monopoly - both in terms of business and aesthetic. Not everyone wants to live virtually in the gritty cyberpunk future, or an obscure geometric wonderland - equally not everyone wants to live in a world of cutesy avatars. Users must decide. We need to establish a Portal World, protected by a decentralised architecture and governing mechanism. This is critical. - Tengushee @Tengushee Twitter =============================================================================== ____ ____ ____ ____ _________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ||D |||A |||T |||A ||| |||F |||E |||E |||D |||S || ||__|||__|||__|||__|||_______|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| |/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/_______\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| =============================================================================== https://trends.google.com/trends/trendingsearches/daily/rss http://liminal.earth/feed/ http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:44273240/sounds.rss http://cyberpunkonline.net/rss https://news.google.com/rss/search?q=cyberpunk https://news.google.com/rss/search?q=cyberpunkonline https://www.google.com/alerts/feeds/01956812613236172088/3771766199752494152 https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder.rss http://www.reddit.com/r/technology/.rss http://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunk/.rss http://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/.rss http://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/.rss https://store.steampowered.com/feeds/newreleases.xml http://aminet.net/feed.php?arch%5B%5D=generic&get=Get+feed https://feeds.a.dj.com/rss/RSSWSJD.xml https://www.neondystopia.com/feed/ https://digitalartcollector.com/feed/ https://mzx.io/nux/feed/ https://bloody-disgusting.com/feed/ https://foon.uk/feeds/rss.xml https://folklorethursday.com/rss http://www.penkilnburn.com/feed/ https://intotheforestdark.wordpress.com/feed/ https://undeadauthorsociety.com/feed/ http://feeds.feedburner.com/OpenCulture https://ultraculture.org/feed/ https://futurism.com/feed/ https://sardonicusblog.com/feed/ https://spartalien.com/news.rss http://www.sofmag.com/feed/ https://nexusmagazine.com/feed/ https://locusmag.com/feed/ http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:cyberpunk http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:new%20aesthetic http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:fairy http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:fae http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:faerie http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:cult http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:discordian =============================================================================== ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ |E |||X |||T |||R |||A || |__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| /__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| =============================================================================== When in disagreement, work harder to see the other point of view. Who said this? Was this the utterance of a Buddhist monk? The writing of Lao Tzu? Zen reflection? Or from a Judeo-Christian lineage? And why is it so hard to tell? Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. Does it matter who said it and why? Isn’t the important thing that it was said at all? There has always been wisdom in words. Short, snappy and memorable, but filled with truth. At times it is a shouting truth, bellowing into your brain. At other times it is a seeping, soaking truth that slowly fills you. When a thing disturbs the peace of your heart, give it up. Great truth comes from the same place. Wisdom and truth are often conflated, but this may not be a bad thing, for if something is not true can it be wise? When we remove the speaker from the truth we remove prejudice, preconceptions, misconceptions and bias. What the superior man seeks is in himself, what the small man seeks is in others. These words transcend our mortality and fasten onto our spirit. Connecting our shared inner knowledge and understanding. The purity within. No matter the source, the spirit can be pure. We need to think of our tongue as a messenger that runs errands for our heart. - Peter Prickett @PeterPrickett Twitter =============================================================================== What is the Red Brick Road? =============================================================================== _ ___ _ _ __________ :_/// (_: | | | . .|.............................. | | ..:.......... | : :.: !: | _____ ______ .____. ______ _____ _______ _______ :: . __ _\ __/_\_ /__|_ |_\ /__ _\ __/__\ _/_\ _/__ _ :. _\ / / __/ | / / _\ \__ \__ :: . / / \| | / / / :: : _ _______/ /\____\____|___/______________________________ _ .: | /___\tGø : PrAiSE EriS :: ______ _____ _______ ____. ______ /\ ______ ______ _____ _::___ _ _\ /_\ /__ \ _ \/ \__\_ /_(__)_\ /__\ /_ _\ __/_\ _/_ _ \_/ _ / / / \ / / \_/ / / _\ \__ . \ / / \ _/_ \/ / \ / / _ _:________/ /\_____\___/____._/ /\__________________/_____________:.__ __ | /___\ :/___\ :: : | ..:: | | : | . ..|....................................: |_ \ _____________| )__________\\\ : \ www.endless-chronicles.com -o- All that I tell you is true =============================================================================== Got something to say? To submit to this zine please @tengushee on Twitter =============================================================================== SOURCE: www.tengushee.com/txt/ & DISTRIBUTION: www.cyberpunkonline.net Representing Shikantaza Art Join our mailing list: dma.cyberpunkonline.net =============================================================================== EOF