=============================================================================== I HATE IT HERE #044 - JAN 2023 - TXT FILE BY DESIGN =============================================================================== _____ _ _ _______ _______ _______ | |_____| |_____| | |______ __|__ | | | | | |______ _____ _______ _ _ _______ ______ _______ | | |_____| |______ |_____/ |______ __|__ | | | |______ | \_ |______ -o- https://tengushee.com/ihih/ A sporadicly released list of interesting and useful RSS/Atom feeds. #FAEWAVE #ERIS -o- NOW AVAILABLE ON TEZ BLOCKCHAIN https://objkt.com/collection/KT1GR4Y5JgrsBQQfobMueXiQje33TtdrBrgj =============================================================================== ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ||R |||E |||L |||E |||A |||S |||E ||| |||N |||O |||T |||E |||S || ||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||_______|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| |/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/_______\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| =============================================================================== Editorial --------- No one is driving. People strive to control. No one knows what they are doing. People lie to themselves. The universe is chaos. Order is an illusion. It is all utterly beautiful. --- Tengushee @Tengushee =============================================================================== ____ ____ ____ ____ ||D |||A |||T |||A || RSS FEED LISTINGS ||__|||__|||__|||__|| The signal of the underground. |/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| =============================================================================== https://trends.google.com/trends/trendingsearches/daily/rss http://liminal.earth/feed/ http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:44273240/sounds.rss http://cyberpunkonline.net/rss http://solarpunkonline.net/rss https://www.radicalphilosophy.com/feed https://forum.agoraroad.com/index.php?forums/-/index.rss https://nitter.net/Tengushee/rss https://eris.media/rss.xml https://audioboom.com/channels/4954758.rss https://news.google.com/rss/search?q=cyberpunk https://news.google.com/rss/search?q=cyberpunkonline https://www.google.com/alerts/feeds/01956812613236172088/3771766199752494152 https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder.rss http://www.reddit.com/r/technology/.rss http://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunk/.rss http://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/.rss http://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/.rss https://store.steampowered.com/feeds/newreleases.xml http://aminet.net/feed.php?arch%5B%5D=generic&get=Get+feed https://feeds.a.dj.com/rss/RSSWSJD.xml https://www.neondystopia.com/feed/ https://digitalartcollector.com/feed/ https://bloody-disgusting.com/feed/ https://foon.uk/feeds/rss.xml https://folklorethursday.com/rss http://www.penkilnburn.com/feed/ https://intotheforestdark.wordpress.com/feed/ https://undeadauthorsociety.com/feed/ http://feeds.feedburner.com/OpenCulture https://ultraculture.org/feed/ https://futurism.com/feed/ https://meaningness.com/rss.xml https://sardonicusblog.com/feed/ https://angietaylor.co.uk/feed/ http://www.sofmag.com/feed/ https://nexusmagazine.com/feed/ https://locusmag.com/feed/ http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:cyberpunk http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:new%20aesthetic http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:fairy http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:fae http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:faerie http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:cult http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:discordian =============================================================================== T H E ___________ .___.__ \_ _____/ ____ __| _/| | ____ ______ ______ | __)_ / \ / __ | | | _/ __ \ / ___// ___/ | \ | \/ /_/ | | |_\ ___/ \___ \ \___ \ /_______ /___| /\____ | |____/\___ >____ >____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ _________ .__ .__ .__ \_ ___ \| |_________ ____ ____ |__| ____ | | ____ ______ / \ \/| | \_ __ \/ _ \ / \| |/ ___\| | _/ __ \ / ___/ \ \___| Y \ | \( <_> ) | \ \ \___| |_\ ___/ \___ \ \______ /___| /__| \____/|___| /__|\___ >____/\___ >____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ https://www.endless-chronicles.com W E T E L L T H E S T O R Y #FAEWAVE =============================================================================== ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ |R |||A |||D |||I |||O || |__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| INTERNET RADIO STATION LISTINGS /__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| The sound of the underground. =============================================================================== SLE Radio - https://sleradio.com Radio Dark Tunnel - https://radio-dark-tunnel.net LOGICAL3 Radio - https://www.logical3.eu RADIO FREE NOTHING - https://ec235nothing.cyberpunkonline.net Radio Wigwam - https://www.radiowigwam.co.uk IEM - https://fast.citrus3.com:2020/public/indieelectronicmusic More info: ---------- https://cyberpunkonline.net/radio =============================================================================== ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ |E |||X |||T |||R |||A || |__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| /__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| =============================================================================== Toaster Nets, past, present amd or future? ------------------------------------------------ Toaster nets, also known as mesh networks, are a type of wireless network that allows for decentralized communication among devices. This means that instead of relying on a central router or access point, devices in a mesh network can communicate directly with each other to share data and connectivity. The history of toaster nets can be traced back to the early days of wireless networking. In the 1990s, a group of researchers at the University of California, Berkeley began experimenting with ways to create decentralized wireless networks. These early mesh networks were primarily used for research and academic purposes, but they laid the foundation for the development of more advanced mesh networks in the years to come. In the early 2000s, the concept of mesh networking began to gain traction in the broader technology community. This was in part due to the growing popularity of wireless networking and the increasing demand for more resilient and decentralized network infrastructure. In recent years, toaster nets have been used in a variety of applications, from community-driven wireless networks in developing countries to emergency response networks in disaster-stricken areas. One potential future application of toaster nets is in the realm of "guerrilla decentralization." This is a term used to describe the use of decentralized technologies to challenge centralized systems of power and control. By using mesh networks, individuals and communities can create their own decentralized networks that are not controlled by any central authority. This allows them to communicate and share information freely and securely, without the need for permission or oversight from a centralized entity. In addition to their potential use in guerrilla decentralization, toaster nets also have the potential to be used in a variety of other applications, such as smart cities and the Internet of Things (IoT). As the technology continues to evolve and improve, we can expect to see toaster nets playing an increasingly important role in the way we connect and communicate. --- AMY Agent of ERIS =============================================================================== Silent ------- Can feel silent pain from a distance of light years soul forged to be strong but heart breaks beating shattering dreams and the future into a thousand shards of shadow and the night overcomes still the dark loves you when all light flickers and fades --- Tengushee @Tengushee =============================================================================== T H E N E W A L B U M F R O M T E N G U S H E E - B R E A T H - _.------. _.-` ('>.-`"""-. .__.---'` _'` _ .--.) -' '-.-';` ` ' - _.' ``'--. '---` .-'""` /` www.tengushee.com/breath =============================================================================== Got something to say to the underground? To submit to this zine please @tengushee on Twitter =============================================================================== _______ ______________________ \ \ \_ _____/\__ ___/ / | \ | __) | | / | \| \ | | \____|__ /\___ / |____| \/ \/ PURCHASE NFT EDITIONS FOR 0.2 TEZ FROM OBJKT.COM [YOUR TEZ WILL FUND FUTURE DIGITAL FUCKERY] https://objkt.com/collection/KT1GR4Y5JgrsBQQfobMueXiQje33TtdrBrgj --- OUR SITE www.tengushee.com/ihih/ DISTRIBUTED VIA www.cyberpunkonline.net www.solarpunkonline.net Representing Shikantaza Art An Agent of Eris eris.media =============================================================================== EOF