=============================================================================== I HATE IT HERE #047 - APR 2023 - TXT FILE BY DESIGN =============================================================================== _____ _ _ _______ _______ _______ | |_____| |_____| | |______ __|__ | | | | | |______ _____ _______ _ _ _______ ______ _______ | | |_____| |______ |_____/ |______ __|__ | | | |______ | \_ |______ -o- https://tengushee.com/ihih/ A sporadicly released list of interesting and useful RSS/Atom feeds. #FAEWAVE #ERIS -o- NOW AVAILABLE ON TEZ BLOCKCHAIN https://objkt.com/collection/KT1GR4Y5JgrsBQQfobMueXiQje33TtdrBrgj =============================================================================== ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ||R |||E |||L |||E |||A |||S |||E ||| |||N |||O |||T |||E |||S || ||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||_______|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| |/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/_______\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| =============================================================================== Editorial --------- The forced sectarianism and divides being engineered into society are isolating the very people who can save the general population - we're losing the spark of intelligent creation and operation to the mundanity of conformity. The isolated will survive as islands or be destroyed by the benal. This is what the powers that be want. They are winning the battle for the future because you want to feel accepted. Resist. Be you. You do not need approval, audience or permission. We need to stand together to stop the grey future that looms, or die trying. --- Tengushee @Tengushee =============================================================================== ____ ____ ____ ____ ||D |||A |||T |||A || RSS FEED LISTINGS ||__|||__|||__|||__|| The signal of the underground. |/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| =============================================================================== https://trends.google.com/trends/trendingsearches/daily/rss http://liminal.earth/feed/ http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:44273240/sounds.rss http://cyberpunkonline.net/rss http://solarpunkonline.net/rss https://www.radicalphilosophy.com/feed https://forum.agoraroad.com/index.php?forums/-/index.rss https://nitter.net/Tengushee/rss https://eris.media/rss.xml https://audioboom.com/channels/4954758.rss https://news.google.com/rss/search?q=cyberpunk https://news.google.com/rss/search?q=cyberpunkonline https://www.google.com/alerts/feeds/01956812613236172088/3771766199752494152 https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder.rss http://www.reddit.com/r/technology/.rss http://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunk/.rss http://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/.rss http://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/.rss https://store.steampowered.com/feeds/newreleases.xml http://aminet.net/feed.php?arch%5B%5D=generic&get=Get+feed https://feeds.a.dj.com/rss/RSSWSJD.xml https://www.neondystopia.com/feed/ https://digitalartcollector.com/feed/ https://bloody-disgusting.com/feed/ https://foon.uk/feeds/rss.xml https://folklorethursday.com/rss http://www.penkilnburn.com/feed/ https://intotheforestdark.wordpress.com/feed/ https://undeadauthorsociety.com/feed/ http://feeds.feedburner.com/OpenCulture https://ultraculture.org/feed/ https://futurism.com/feed/ https://meaningness.com/rss.xml https://sardonicusblog.com/feed/ https://angietaylor.co.uk/feed/ http://www.sofmag.com/feed/ https://nexusmagazine.com/feed/ https://locusmag.com/feed/ http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:cyberpunk http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:new%20aesthetic http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:fairy http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:fae http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:faerie http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:cult http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?query=subject:discordian =============================================================================== T H E ___________ .___.__ \_ _____/ ____ __| _/| | ____ ______ ______ | __)_ / \ / __ | | | _/ __ \ / ___// ___/ | \ | \/ /_/ | | |_\ ___/ \___ \ \___ \ /_______ /___| /\____ | |____/\___ >____ >____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ _________ .__ .__ .__ \_ ___ \| |_________ ____ ____ |__| ____ | | ____ ______ / \ \/| | \_ __ \/ _ \ / \| |/ ___\| | _/ __ \ / ___/ \ \___| Y \ | \( <_> ) | \ \ \___| |_\ ___/ \___ \ \______ /___| /__| \____/|___| /__|\___ >____/\___ >____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ https://www.endless-chronicles.com W E T E L L T H E S T O R Y #FAEWAVE =============================================================================== ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ |R |||A |||D |||I |||O || |__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| INTERNET RADIO STATION LISTINGS /__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| The sound of the underground. =============================================================================== SLE Radio - https://sleradio.com Radio Dark Tunnel - https://radio-dark-tunnel.net LOGICAL3 Radio - https://www.logical3.eu RADIO FREE NOTHING - https://ec235nothing.cyberpunkonline.net Radio Wigwam - https://www.radiowigwam.co.uk IEM - https://fast.citrus3.com:2020/public/indieelectronicmusic More info: ---------- https://cyberpunkonline.net/radio =============================================================================== ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ |E |||X |||T |||R |||A || |__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| /__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| =============================================================================== Fear and Loathing at The Party of The Dead ------------------------------------------ The sun crept malevolently over the horizon as we embarked on our perilous journey into the heart of inebriated darkness. A few beers, we had told ourselves, a simple mission to tame the savage beast of sobriety. But as the evening wore on, we found ourselves careening wildly down the rabbit hole of booze-soaked madness, time becoming a twisted mockery of itself and the dangers lurking around every corner. Amid the swirling miasma of psychedelic intoxication and the relentless pursuit of a bender that would shake the very foundations of the universe, we, two intrepid protagonists found outselves caught in the throes of an adventure that could only be described as something out of a fever dream. It began, as these tales often do, with the seemingly innocent intent of indulging in "a few beers". But in the ever-unpredictable realm of bacchanalian excess, intentions are little more than a fragile tether to reality, and the vortex of debauchery will swallow all who dare to venture within its grasp. As the hours blurred into an indistinguishable haze, the cruel alchemy of alcohol and other substances conjured into existence a whirlwind of danger, intrigue, and hedonism that would forever be seared into the memories of those present – if they could remember anything at all. Which few would. It was in the aftermath of this madhouse, a party that had spiraled far beyond the realm of rationality, where the mysteries of the universe were laid bare. Our intrepid heroes, fuelled by a cocktail of cheap beer, unknown pills, and various powders, found themselves locked in a cosmic tête-à-tête about the nature of the afterlife. It was at this moment that I revealed an uncanny and utterly impossible truth. Like a modern-day Faust, I divulged my ungodly connection to the enigmatic Fae and the power it had granted me: I had gained the ability to commune with the dead in the spectral realm of the Jade Kingdom. My companion, ever the skeptic, guffawed at the ludicrous notion and swiftly issued a challenge: prove it. And so, with a grin that was equal parts mischief and madness, the summoning began. Like the tales of old, the veil between worlds was torn asunder as the spirits of the dearly departed were conjured into the throes of the party. Dead relatives, long-lost friends, and even a few ill-fated acquaintances joined the bacchanal, their spectral forms revealing secrets that only they and the friend could possibly know. As the night wore on, the party transformed into a macabre and twisted soiree, a celebration of the living and the dead, a testament to the raw, unbridled power of the Fae. The hours stretched into eternity as the spirits danced and cavorted alongside their mortal counterparts, a never-ending carnival of the bizarre and the arcane. It was only when exhaustion and the last vestiges of their stupor finally caught up with them that our heroes succumbed to the siren song of sleep, collapsing into a fitful slumber amidst the ghostly revelry. When they awoke the following morning, the spirits had vanished, leaving behind only a haunting silence and a lingering glow that spoke to the otherworldly events of the previous night. In that hallowed afterglow, there could be no doubt: my friend had become a believer in the awesome and terrifying power of the Fae. As for me, I had once again delved into the unknown and emerged with a tale that would forever blur the lines between reality and myth, forever questioning the nature of existence and the boundaries of our world. The world was now a stranger place, the darkness more profound, and the thirst for the unknown an insatiable beast gnawing at the edges of my mind. --- Amy Agent of ERIS =============================================================================== T H E N E W A L B U M F R O M T E N G U S H E E - B R E A T H - _.------. _.-` ('>.-`"""-. .__.---'` _'` _ .--.) -' '-.-';` ` ' - _.' ``'--. '---` .-'""` /` www.tengushee.com/breath =============================================================================== Got something to say to the underground? To submit to this zine please @tengushee on Twitter =============================================================================== _______ ______________________ \ \ \_ _____/\__ ___/ / | \ | __) | | / | \| \ | | \____|__ /\___ / |____| \/ \/ PURCHASE NFT EDITIONS FOR 0.2 TEZ FROM OBJKT.COM [YOUR TEZ WILL FUND FUTURE DIGITAL FUCKERY] https://objkt.com/collection/KT1GR4Y5JgrsBQQfobMueXiQje33TtdrBrgj --- OUR SITE www.tengushee.com/ihih/ DISTRIBUTED VIA www.cyberpunkonline.net www.solarpunkonline.net Representing Shikantaza Art An Agent of Eris eris.media =============================================================================== EOF